In the decadent world of late-sixties Hollywood Hills, an enigmatic woman embarks on a surreal journey through a chain of stunning pools...
Amidst the opulence of late-sixties Hollywood Hills, an adored woman, in swimming costume, embarks on an unusual journey home, traversing a chain of stunning pools and encountering old acquaintances. As her journey progresses, the once-welcoming facade of her social circle crumbles into hostility. With an air of melancholy and mystery, she navigates the bewildering landscape, confronting societal pressures and her own inner turmoil, ultimately facing a shocking revelation that exposes the fragility of both her world and her own identity. Through her enigmatic journey, themes of beauty, aging, and societal pressure converge in a poignant exploration of the elusive American Dream and the position of women in a rapidly changing world.
Main Character
Our protagonist is an adored figure with exceptional, unaltered beauty. Resembling the final hours of a summer's day, she exudes an aura of youthful vigor. Not one for practical jokes or foolish antics, she exudes an air of originality and determination, harboring a modest yet ethereal notion of herself as a legendary figure.
About The Director
Sandrine Bonnaire
Award-winning and celebrated director, known for her authenticity and willingness to take risks. She presented her directorial debut “Her Name is Sabine”, a poignant documentary delving into her autistic sister’s life, at the Cannes Film Festival, which awarded her the esteemed FIPRESCI Prize. Her first narrative feature “Maddened by His Absence” enjoyed similar triumph with a special screening at the Semaine de la Critique in Cannes. Now, she is ready to explore the intricate landscape of women’s roles in the film industry, a subject as timely as it gets. She is committed to resist societal pressures to conform to ageist norms and the allure to favor the “bankable” star. She courageously tackles challenging and thought-provoking themes in both her past and present work, dedicated to capturing truth in all its raw complexity.
About The Book
John William Cheever was an awarded American short story writer and novelist. He is sometimes called "the Chekhov of the suburbs".
His main themes include the duality of human nature: social persona and inner corruption – light and dark, flesh and spirit. Many of his works also express a nostalgia for a vanishing way of life.
”The Stories of John Cheever”, a short story collection that contains some of his most famous stories, including" The Swimmer" won the 1979 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, a National Book Critics Circle Award, and a National Book Award. On April 27, 1982, Cheever was awarded the National Medal for Literature by the American Academy of Arts and Letters. His work has been included in the Library of America.
“The Swimmer” is Cheever's most famous story and is widely regarded as one of his "genuine masterpieces". The story is highly praised for its blend of realism and surrealism; the thematic exploration of suburban America, especially the relationship between wealth and happiness; and his use of myth and symbolism with a straightforward and unambiguous invocation of the Greek myth of Narcissus.
The Swimmer was originally published in The New Yorker on July 18, 1964 and four years later was adapted into a film of the same name, starring Burt Lancaster. This is the only literary work by Cheever that has appeared on screen.
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Comparable Book-to-Film Adaptations
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Note of Intent
RnB!Films embarks on projects that ignite intellectual curiosity by exploring original concepts from a distinctive artistic perspective. This proposal, envisioning an adaptation of John Cheever's short story "THE SWIMMER," fearlessly follows in that innovative tradition.
In today's era of feminist resurgence, the decision to adapt this story with a female lead resonates deeply. Reimagining "THE SWIMMER" with a female protagonist provides a platform to explore themes of beauty, aging, societal pressures, and the elusive pursuit of eternal youth—a pursuit that often leads to a dystopian ideal where youth is eternal and authenticity is sacrificed at the altar of conformity.
This daring version, brings together the visionary direction of Sandrine BONNAIRE and the potential involvement of Sharon STONE (subject to her final agreement), promising groundbreaking exploration on multiple fronts.
Sandrine Bonnaire's passion for this project is palpable, her commitment to portraying the complexities of womanhood in the film industry unwavering.
The inclusion of Sharon Stone adds a layer of significance to the project, her unapologetic embrace of natural beauty challenging society's obsession with youthfulness. Through her involvement, we aim to provoke introspection on the tyranny of ageism and the enduring struggle for female visibility in Hollywood.
Our collaboration aims to honor Cheever's original vision while infusing it with contemporary relevance.